voice vignette

1. Extract features

Load packages and audio files

# packs

# get path to audio file
wavDir <- list.files(system.file('extdata', package = 'wrassp'),
                     pattern = glob2rx('*.wav'), full.names = TRUE)


# minimal usage
M <- voice::extract_features(wavDir)
#> # A tibble: 1,193 × 65
#>    section_seq section_seq_file wav_path        f0    f1    f2    f3    f4    f5
#>          <int>            <int> <chr>        <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#>  1           1                1 /github/wor…   NA     NA  1854    NA  3113  4191
#>  2           2                2 /github/wor…   NA     NA  1886  2893  3708  4678
#>  3           3                3 /github/wor…   NA     NA  1749  2676  3509  4502
#>  4           4                4 /github/wor…   NA     NA  1888  2659  3658  4331
#>  5           5                5 /github/wor…   NA    185  1962  2639  3248  3653
#>  6           6                6 /github/wor…   NA    260  1973  2676  3239  3836
#>  7           7                7 /github/wor…   NA    254  2026  2993  3830  4602
#>  8           8                8 /github/wor…  116.   277  2037  2932  3479  4585
#>  9           9                9 /github/wor…  109.   261  2130  3016  3561  4720
#> 10          10               10 /github/wor…  107.   231  2301  2907  3889  4818
#> # ℹ 1,183 more rows
#> # ℹ 56 more variables: f6 <int>, f7 <int>, f8 <int>, rfc1 <dbl>, rfc2 <dbl>,
#> #   rfc3 <dbl>, rfc4 <dbl>, rfc5 <dbl>, rfc6 <dbl>, rfc7 <dbl>, rfc8 <dbl>,
#> #   rfc9 <dbl>, rfc10 <dbl>, rfc11 <dbl>, rfc12 <dbl>, rfc13 <dbl>,
#> #   rfc14 <dbl>, rfc15 <dbl>, rfc16 <dbl>, rfc17 <dbl>, rfc18 <dbl>,
#> #   rfc19 <dbl>, mfcc1 <dbl>, mfcc2 <dbl>, mfcc3 <dbl>, mfcc4 <dbl>,
#> #   mfcc5 <dbl>, mfcc6 <dbl>, mfcc7 <dbl>, mfcc8 <dbl>, mfcc9 <dbl>, …

2. Tag

# creating Extended synthetic data
E <- dplyr::tibble(subject_id = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), wav_path = wavDir)
#> # A tibble: 9 × 2
#>   subject_id wav_path                                          
#>        <dbl> <chr>                                             
#> 1          1 /github/workspace/pkglib/wrassp/extdata/lbo001.wav
#> 2          1 /github/workspace/pkglib/wrassp/extdata/lbo002.wav
#> 3          1 /github/workspace/pkglib/wrassp/extdata/lbo003.wav
#> 4          2 /github/workspace/pkglib/wrassp/extdata/lbo004.wav
#> 5          2 /github/workspace/pkglib/wrassp/extdata/lbo005.wav
#> 6          2 /github/workspace/pkglib/wrassp/extdata/lbo006.wav
#> 7          3 /github/workspace/pkglib/wrassp/extdata/lbo007.wav
#> 8          3 /github/workspace/pkglib/wrassp/extdata/lbo008.wav
#> 9          3 /github/workspace/pkglib/wrassp/extdata/lbo009.wav

# minimal usage
#> # A tibble: 9 × 7
#>   wav_path   f0_tag_mean f0_tag_sd f0_tag_vc f0_tag_median f0_tag_iqr f0_tag_mad
#>   <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
#> 1 /github/w…        85.4      17.6     0.206          76.1       29.4       7.53
#> 2 /github/w…        85.4      15.6     0.183          80.1       27.8      14.4 
#> 3 /github/w…        84.6      13.0     0.154          78.8       23.9      14.0 
#> 4 /github/w…        84.8      14.5     0.171          79.1       28.1      11.9 
#> 5 /github/w…        86.0      14.7     0.170          78.7       30.0      11.0 
#> 6 /github/w…        82.9      15.6     0.188          74.8       23.8       4.78
#> 7 /github/w…        78.2      16.2     0.207          73.5       13.4       6.82
#> 8 /github/w…        84.5      14.5     0.172          78.1       17.8       8.95
#> 9 /github/w…        81.0      12.2     0.151          75.9       23.1       9.14

# canonical data
voice::tag(E, groupBy = 'subject_id')
#> # A tibble: 3 × 7
#>   subject_id f0_tag_mean f0_tag_sd f0_tag_vc f0_tag_median f0_tag_iqr f0_tag_mad
#>        <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
#> 1          1        85.1      15.3     0.180          78.3       26.8      11.9 
#> 2          2        84.6      14.9     0.176          76.4       28.3       7.97
#> 3          3        81.0      14.6     0.180          75.6       21.6       8.68